
1-What made you change your style was for something special?­­

After our time in Tokyo our perspective on music and allot of other things in our life changed.
Tokyo is way ahead of any other city we've been to, felt like traveling in time to the future!
So, after being in Tokyo it didn't feel right to play yesterdays music so we had to evolve and do music of the future as we see it.

2- What you want express with your music?

We want to share our veiw of the world and our passion for music.
To much things are wrong in this world, and people are getting more and more narrow minded, they judge you for your believes, what you wear and what you stand for as if there's somthing wrong with being unique and to have your own opinion.
We want to open up the eyes of our fans and inspire them to stand up for them selves and be unique. Hope we're on the right track, you tell us

3-You thought make a record?
We are working on allot of new songs right now, and a record will come once we get the 10 perfect songs.

4- Where do you whrite your songs?
Nisse writes allot of songs while he's in the bathtub and wherever there's a guitar Erik is jamming on it.
Pelle gets in to he's synth world for hours making he's own sounds like a mad professor.

5- Have thought about doing a tour?­­

Yes we are planning and rehearsing for an amazing tour.

6- And where did you start?

Haven't decided where to start the tour yet but probably somewhere in the US

7- Are happy with your fans?

Of course!! We love all our fans, you guys are our biggest inspiration to keep on writing better and better songs! Thank you!!!!

8- Are happy with the way we treat you?

Couldn't be better, everytime we get a fan mail or a gift from our fans it feels like christmas morning!
We hang all of our letters and gifts on a wall.

9- Did you like the new band you have or you miss some of his old style?

Could not even think of going back playing what we used to.
As we evolved musically our songs also evolved sounding more like us. Feels like we found ourselves!

10- Are realizing a dream with all things they are happening?­­

It's allot of work behind music! But every day we get to work with music we're living our dream.
11- Did you like play with any band in particular?

U2 would be cool to play with..

12 -By which bands are influenced?­­

A bit of everything influence us not only music but allso fashion, good movies, interesting people, space, the unknown

and our veiw of the world.

Now some funny questions if you do not mind..­­

1- How is your relationship like brothers?­­

It's impossible to get closer to anyone, we feel like we are the same, together we are one.

It's a wonderful thing.


2- Did you discussed much, or as any normal brothers?

We got the same opinions and mindset so we almost never disagree.

3- Did you fight very often? or taken well?

Like all brothers we got our small fights, but never anything serious.

4- Did you living a crazy experience with some fan?

Of course!

5- What you think about the groupies? have some? or would like to have them?­­

We got allot of groupies but more is always welcome to join the group

6- Who is the craziest of the 3?, And who is the quietest?

It's hard to say, we all have kind of the same personality, I think it depends on the situation..

but Calle might be the crazy one!

7- Your personalities are similars?

8- From when you started to tattoo?
A few years ago, we got a hold of a tattoo machine and trew a big tattoo party, practicing on our friends.. So there is where it all started!

9- Really like tattoo?­­

Tattoos are cool if they symbolise things that are important for you and if they are well done

10- Did you like the sports?

We never really been sporty guys but we always enjoyed rock climbing and diving.
but we don't have the patience to sit in front of the TV and look at sports..

11- Did you like to dance? you do it well?

Would love to be a good dancer but it's never been one of our talents, out of us 3 Calle is the best dancer.. But there's never too late to start practicing.